By Koaw - May, 2021

Below you’ll find the free-to-view movie that followed my adventure while I captured the common sunfishes for the Lepomis guide. And below the movie, I’ve just added some bonus text and a link to the FAQs about making this guide.

Passion is often synonymous with obsession. No doubt I’m a man possessed by both. When I undertake a project then I want to assure that it will be completed thoroughly. Mainly, I just don’t want my 60-year-old self to look back on any of my work and be dissatisfied. (Sadly, I already look back on a lot of my early Koaw Nature work with a bit of disdain!) I will always remain my biggest critic.

Creating a free-to-view Lepomis guide was no easy feat. And in fact, the guide will always be in need of adjustments and additions as we discover more-and-more about these species. Things change such as ranges, possible species-splitting, regional population differences, etc.. And it’s not as if I completed this guide alone; I had help from fellow anglers, biologists, family and friends as well as the numerous researchers and scientists that published information on these species. It truly was (and remains) a community of people interested in these fishes that made it happen. Hence why I believe the KNFS community will do well in the future. We want to learn and share knowledge about fishing and fishes.
