By Koaw 2023,

Examining just 4 meristic (countable) features can identify the vast majority of specimens of Esox here in North America. The tiger muskellunge is the only hybrid specifically accounted for in the calculations. This meristics key will suggest the best fit for your fish based on expected ranges of features. Try it out!

KNFS Esox Image Header

Esocid Key - Values not needed for each feature. More information will offer a better analysis.
1. Enter the condition of scales on the CHEEK and the OPERCULUM: (Consider scalation as PARTIALLY if 75% or less is covered.*)
2. Enter the # of SUBMANDIBULAR PORES for each side. If only know one side, enter that same value for both sides. If a difference greater than 1 exists between the sides, enter a comparable sum. Example: A count of 4/6 should be entered as 5/5 because both equal 10.
3. Enter the # of BRANCHIOSTEGAL RAYS only from one side.
4. Enter the # of LATERAL LINE SCALES.
Click "Calculate" to get the best guess for your esocid!

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*Though very uncommon, muskellunge have been shown to express a cheek with scaling up to 80% coverage. Likewise, the northern pike may rarely show a cheek with less than 75% scalation. The calculator will not predict correctly under these rare circumstances.

-Some combinations of features will purposefully calculate outside the expected range to include the certain outliers. Some will not, such as chain pickerel that might show 12-13 branchiostegal rays.

- Find an error/bug? Keep in mind that some browsers just cannot process this calculator. For apparent bugs/errors in the results of this calculator, please send me a brief message on the contact me form so that I can check that out. Thanks!